We had a forecast of colder temperatures starting on Friday and lasting through till about wednesday along with what's called a "wintry mix" on monday and tuesday. I still don't know what that means exactly, but I knew it meant cold, wet stuff.... I actually had Nic kinda run through all the different kinds of weather we seem to get here in Rogers. For example: What is the difference between freezing rain and sleet? (neither of which I can say I've ever experienced.) What exactly does it mean to have an "ice storm"? Apparently sleet is somewhere in between hail and freezing rain, which is really cold rain that turns to ice once it hits something. I think. Anyway, you can understand my confusion this morning when the stuff on the ground looked like snow from a distance, but when you got up close, it's really more like walking through a slushee. I still don't really know what to call it, so well, just call it slush. That's what was on the ground, but everything else that was directly exposed to the elements were encased in ice! I've never seen anything like it. And it's probably one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen- It looks like everything was individually dipped in glass, forming perfectly to its original shape. It makes everything very ethereal looking. A Winter Wonderland if I ever saw one! See~

This is one of the prettier shots... See how everything looks encased??

Just another pretty shot.

This was a tree that I was so scared of it falling over! If it would have, it would have crushed the backside of a house that's right behind us. Still, it sure is pretty, isn't it?!

This is Nic's car all iced over... I would have gotten a shot of mine, but it hadn't been exposed as long as his... See story below! (Side note: I'm sure glad Aunt Lisa got me that ice scraper for Christmas!)

This was the only one that didn't get out in time. :( Poor truck... Doesn't look like there will be too much damage though. It'll just be stuck for a while!
This is one of the prettier shots... See how everything looks encased??
Just another pretty shot.
This was a tree that I was so scared of it falling over! If it would have, it would have crushed the backside of a house that's right behind us. Still, it sure is pretty, isn't it?!
This is Nic's car all iced over... I would have gotten a shot of mine, but it hadn't been exposed as long as his... See story below! (Side note: I'm sure glad Aunt Lisa got me that ice scraper for Christmas!)
So, along with getting all the cool shots of frozen things, the thing that brought me out of the house in the first place was a pretty crazy incident! Megan had to work today, but she stopped by the house to tell us that we needed to move our cars... Well, I'll just let you watch the video. I explain in there...
And here are some other shots of the damage:
Pretty narly, yeah??
My car would have been to the left of that post. Yikes!!
This was the only one that didn't get out in time. :( Poor truck... Doesn't look like there will be too much damage though. It'll just be stuck for a while!
So, that was my adventure for the day! My sister said she thought I'd be bored out here.... HAHAHA!!!